Graphic Design History
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What is Graphic Design?


Have you ever looked at a really cool poster or a fun logo and wondered how it was made? Well, that’s where graphic design comes in! Graphic design is all about using pictures, words, and colors to create something that looks amazing and tells a story.

What Does a Graphic Designer Do?

Graphic designers are like visual storytellers. They use their creativity to:

  • Create logos: These are special symbols or designs that represent a company or brand.
    The Most Famous Logos in Brand History
  • Design posters: They make eye-catching posters to advertise events or products.
    Best Movie Posters of 2023 #nucly
  • Make book covers: They design the covers of books to look interesting and exciting.
    The 25 Most Iconic Comic Book Covers of All Time - IGN
  • Create websites: They design how websites look and work.
  • Develop apps: They help create the look and feel of apps on your phone or tablet.

Graphic Design Elements

There are special things that graphic designers use to create their designs:
Embrace the 8 Essential Elements Of Graphic Design | Skillshare Blog

  • Pictures: Images that help tell a story.
  • Words: Text or messages that give information.
  • Colors: Colors can make designs feel happy, sad, or exciting.
  • Shapes: Different shapes can create interesting designs.
  • Layout: How the pictures and words are arranged on the page.

Graphic Design All Around Us

Graphic design is everywhere! Look around you and see if you can find examples of graphic design. It’s on cereal boxes, t-shirts, billboards, and even your favorite toys!

Times Square Reviews | U.S. News Travel

Activity: Design Your Own Logo

Now it’s your turn to be a graphic designer! Let’s create a logo for our class. Think of something that represents our class. Is it a fun activity we like to do? A special place we like to visit? Draw your logo on a piece of paper.

Remember: Graphic design is all about having fun and being creative!

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