Graphic Design History
About Lesson

Design Your Own Superhero Logo!

You’re a superhero designer!

Let’s create a super cool logo for your own superhero.

  1. Think of a superhero name: What is your superhero called?
  2. Choose a symbol: What kind of symbol represents your superhero? Is it an animal, an object, or something else? Draw it on a piece of paper.
  3. Pick your colors: What colors match your superhero’s personality? Are they strong, friendly, or mysterious? Color in your symbol with those colors.
  4. Add a shape: Draw a shape around your symbol. It could be a circle, square, triangle, or something different.
  5. Write your name: Put your superhero name somewhere on your logo. Make it look cool!

Now you have your own superhero logo! Can you think of a cool slogan for your superhero?

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